November 12, 2007
Getting bigger!
Posted by Kassie at 3:17 PM 10 comments
Posted by Kassie at 3:01 PM 1 comments
October 24, 2007
Me and my bumbo!
The bumbo is the recliner for babies. It's soft and squishy and Evi seems to really enjoy it. She is also in love with all of my mom' s Halloween decorations. Her favorites are a pumpkin that laughs and says happy Halloween, a raggedy andy doll dressed in a vampire costume and pretty much everything that's bright or makes noise. Whatever keeps them entertained right!! Well we officially have two days until Collin comes home and we are getting so excited. I have his picture on the computer and I show Evi and say "Look there's daddy!" and she smiles and talks to him. It's so cute. We have missed him. Can friday please come faster!!!
Posted by Kassie at 10:22 PM 7 comments
October 22, 2007
October 21, 2007
Goodnight Dad
Collin is in Spain and we sure miss him. (The pictures of those awesome buildings were posted by him). So we just wanted to say goodnight and hope he is having fun! We love you!
Posted by Kassie at 10:19 PM 4 comments
Sunday best!
This is Evi's first time wearing tights!! I had to pull them clear up to her armpits. I love having a girl and dressing her up. Even though it is more expensive to get all the accessories it is way more fun! She is so funny. Everytime I lay her down she tries to sit up. She looks like she is doing crunches. She just has to see what is going on. Her latest fascination is my mom's dogs and watching them. She loves her cousin Xander too!
Posted by Kassie at 10:12 PM 3 comments
October 14, 2007
Sunday afternoon hike
I know these carriers are kind of goofy but they are really convenient. Evi loved it as you can see! Or at least she loved sucking on it!

Posted by Kassie at 9:45 PM 4 comments
We love the Fall!!

I love this picture!! She is just starting to hold on to things. It's so cute but we are now realizing the task ahead of baby-proofing everything!

I don't think that she liked the grass because she kept trying to sit up.
If you didn't notice this is on the green at the golf course. Evi is holding on to the flag. She was such a good poser for us!

Evi and her daddy with the beautiful mountains behind them.
Posted by Kassie at 9:19 PM 1 comments
October 7, 2007
Our cute girl!

I think this picture is so funny. She is so smiley lately.
Well she gets mad sometimes too! I love her even when she cries. She has started fake crying and it makes me laugh. She has learned thats how she gets my attention. . . she is spoiled.
When I look at this picture of her I get emotional. She is so beautiful and I love her so so much. We are so lucky to have her!

She is in the cutest stage right now. She is all smiles and she is trying to talk to us!
In this video I was playing with her and her dragon fly toy. She is in love with bright colored things right now. I was lucky to catch her smiling and trying to talk!
Posted by Kassie at 9:43 PM 7 comments