March 3, 2008

Evi's favorite afternoon activity!

Hmmm what's in the basket?

Let me look. . .

Hooray socks!

Let's eat them!

Or let's just eat the basket!

She could play with her basket of socks forever. She empties out the basket then pulls the socks apart and when she gets bored with that she chews on the basket. . . What a silly girl!


Chinos :) said...

She is such a doll.. I don't get why we spend money on toys that break anyways when are babies are completly content with baskets and socks, and every drawer in your home.. Reese would love to play with her. her new sister is quite boring :) thanks again for bringing me food I love ya! come visit.

Lindsay said...

She is adorable!!! She is getting so big :)It's crazy how fast they grow huh!

Lindsay said...

Kassie, Evi is so cute! I can't believe that she is already that old! Crazy!

Lindsay said...

Hi Kass :) Can you please e-mail me your moms mailing address? I have something for her!
Thank you so much!!!