March 26, 2008


Thursday night right before we put her to bed she started crawling. It was such a surprise because she usually gets so mad when we put her on her knees but she saw her toys and went for it!


Nikki said...

Oh My Gosh!! She is getting so big, and she is ADORABLE!

tOyn fAmiLy said...

That is so fun!! I love when they start crawling, but just be ready for her to get into everything!! toNS OF FUN

Chinos :) said...

I knew she had it in her!. :) Hey swimming was way fun! LOL We are so bad we need to try harder, are you busy this weekend cuz its the baby expo at the south town expo center and it should be fun.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! Hello! I think your little one is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen! Hope you and your family are well!