January 28, 2008
President Hinckley
Posted by Kassie at 9:57 AM 2 comments
January 12, 2008
Drill Competitions!!
How cute is she. . . I just love her so much.
I know you are wondering why I would post this picture but it was one of the funniest things that I have witnessed in a long time. . . This is Aubrey and Sarah they were reinacting the picture painted on the wall but they had to climb onto rolled up wrestling mats to get up there. We were all in tears laughing. It reminds me of how silly I was in high school and how much fun I had. Even though most of the silly things me and my friends would do involved the movie Drop Dead Gorgeous. Anyway it was so funny. I love these silly girls!
The Rockettes all ready for military. They did so awesome at this competition. 2nd in military, 1st in dance, 2nd in novelty, 1st in kick, 2nd in hip hop and sad to say that we received a penalty in lyrical and therefore did not place in that routine, LAME! These girls are awesome I love them.
Cute little Daisy at the solo competition. During the break after the competition before the awards Daisy went out on the floor and started dancing, skipping around and doing back bends. . . so funny.
My sweet Evi watching the girls warm up!
All ready for hip hop!
Goofing around yet again. . .
Posted by Kassie at 1:26 PM 8 comments
Christmas pictures!
I know what you are thinking. . . It's already January 12 and you are just posting Christmas pictures. I am so bad but too busy to care. Christmas was so much fun with Evi and I'm sure it will only get better the next few years. I only have one complaint. . . I wish that Christmas break could last for a month. It is so nice to spend time with my little family. Life is so busy these days we are lucky to have a weekend that is not full of things to do. If it's not a dance competition then its a dance rehearsal and if not then it's something else. Thank heaven for Sundays!!

Posted by Kassie at 9:22 AM 2 comments