She loves to finger paint, there is just something about making messes that
Evi thinks is just great fun. She would paint for a minute then stop and look at her hands (she
doesn't like when her hands are dirty) but then she would return to her masterpiece.

Yes she did get it all over the floor but that is the beauty of washable paint! It is hard to find projects for little ones but this is a fun one we will do often as long as we are up for a mess.

I had to put this one it it was just so funny. She had paint all up her nose form this one.

Time for a bath.

In the car all excited to go to the
Cornmaze and
pumpkin patch. We went to the Black Island Farms. We first wanted to go to Thanksgiving point but didn't want to make the drive and I am so glad because this one was so much fun and perfect for her.

In the corn maze. Luckily they have an easy side and a hard side so we went for the easy one and found our way out pretty quickly. I was just worried it would start getting dark
before we made it out.

They had a little tunnel for the little ones to walk through and she loved it. We had a hard time getting her out and I don't know why but she loves sticks and so she loved all the stuff on the ground.

Going on the big slide with Daddy!

They had so many pumpkins it was crazy.

Is this one good enough?

We finally picked one out. We didn't let her down too much in the
pumpkin patch because it was so dirty and stinky and I was so smart and had her wearing white baby legs.
We had a good time we will
definitely be going back next year!

Carving her first pumpkin!

She was such a good little helper. She helped scoop out the seeds for about 15 minutes and then she sat and played with it.
Evi loved it. We went outside everyday to look and play with the pumpkin. I love doing new things with her it's like you get to experience it all over again.

The finished product. It is supposed to be winking if you didn't know. We are beginners. . .

Happy Birthday to Brandi! For Brandi's Birthday we went to the Gateway and had lunch at
CPK and did a little shopping. We had such a fun time. We get so silly when we are together especially when we are tired!

Not the greatest picture but oh well. Love these girls!

For those of you that don't know my mom's birthday is on Halloween so she never really gets to have a birthday. So this year we had a surprise party for her.

I think she was excited. The day before I told her that we were going to Idaho so she would think I was mean for not hanging out with her and everyone else had a similar situation where they were doing something else. It was pretty funny. Love ya Mom!

Her first sucker. I guess it is just what you do on Halloween.

Here we are. Collin was a Dance teacher and I was a Public Relations manager. As you can see we really went out of our way to dress up. . .

My little fairy!

First time Trick-or-Treating! We only went to one house but don't worry she took three treats.

Hope everyone else had a Happy Halloween. On to Thanksgiving and Christmas. . . Oh man it comes too soon.