In the car all excited to go to the Cornmaze and pumpkin patch. We went to the Black Island Farms. We first wanted to go to Thanksgiving point but didn't want to make the drive and I am so glad because this one was so much fun and perfect for her.

Posted by Kassie at 2:13 PM 9 comments
Posted by Kassie at 4:14 PM 2 comments
The locals that make a living off of the tourists. I gave in a few times but I became farely good at bartering!
Had to put this one in even though I think it's kinda cheesy.
Collin hanging out waiting for some yummy Mexican food.
Me enjoying a virgin pina colada. Mmmm!
On the Beach! We had so much fun but we were really bad at taking pictures. We went parisailing together one day, we rented a jet ski and if any of you have ever done that on the ocean you will know how crazy fun it is. Not only is the water ridiculously choppy with enormous waves but every time you land a big wave the salt water sprays into your face and you get temporarily blinded! SO fun!! We went to some fun restaurants in town and I'm not gonna lie I was scared to death of eating the authentic Mexican food I didn't want to get sick! I can tell you that we made it through our trip with only a few minor digestive trouble! Thanks to our wonderful moms that loved and took care of our Evi!!
Posted by Kassie at 1:55 PM 8 comments
Silly girls. I seriously love having three sisters!!!
Evi did so good on the Aeroplane she played for a minute then fell asleep and woke up right in time to look out the window as we landed.
Us with my cutest aunt Nicole and Uncle Dennis. Thanks to them for letting us stay in their Beach house! Such giving people. We love them!
Ev loves the water, too bad it was too cold to play in. But we will be back!
Mmmm sand. . .the highlight of the day for Evi!
For those of you Twilight fans. .. I drove right past forks on the way to the beach house!
Posted by Kassie at 1:46 PM 3 comments